Nimrod Taylor's children documented, wife named only Phoebe

The good news is that Jeanette Kennedy sent me a legal document proving all the children of Nimrod Taylor.  The bad news is that their mother is named Phoebe, last name not known.  I never want to see any amateur, fiction-writing "genealogist" naming her as Judith Phoebe Bankston.  But mark my words, within a year some idiot will do exactly that, and it will soon be in hundreds of Ancestry trees, another rumor that refuses to die.  But that is a good way to winnow the wheat from the chaff, as with all the other rumors that refuse to die.  If you see a tree with that name, you will know that you are looking at a garbage collection instead of a genealogy, and you can safely ignore the entire tree as worthless.


E'nuf of that.  

If you are interested to discover Phoebe's maiden name, you need to get the DNA tested for all of your oldest relatives who are willing to do a DNA test, especially grandparents, parents, and uncles and aunts.  Everyone's DNA is different, and it is entirely random as to who gets what, so we are looking for those particular few individuals who were given an unusually larger than average segments of DNA from Nimrod's wife, Phoebe, your ancestor.  Then you need to upload your DNA "raw" data file to GEDmatch.

The reasons are simple and easy to understand, but rather than tell you all that here, this web site explains everything. (click here).


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