Lawrence Rambo [31C] siblings incorrect in book

This letter was written in 1772 by the trustees of Gloria Dei church in Philadelphia to Lawrence Rambo in Edgefield, SC naming his deceased brother and his sister.

The Book needs this correction:
Ann Rambo [#315] married Daniel Jones, not Ann Rambo [#334]

The Jacob Rambo [#36] who died before 1772 was an uncle of Lawrence rather than his brother, so the church wardens missed that detail.

This letter will soon appear in Volume 7 of the Colonial Records of the Swedish Churches in Pennsylvania.

30 April 1772: Letter, church wardens to Laurence Rambo[1]

To Mr. Laurence Rambo in Granville County
to the care of Mr. Tutt at the Ridge, South Carolina
Enclose this letter and direct it to Mr. John Waggoner in Charlestown, South Carolina.

                                                      Philadelphia, April the 30th 1772
Mr. Laurence Rambo
Dear Sir,
        After some inquiry of Mr. Daniel Jones respecting your place of residence, we are with pleasure informed where to write to you, not doubting in the least but you will readily comply in serving the Swedish Church at Wicaco, which claims your protection as a descendant of a Swede and of a man who was in early days a very great friend and patron of said church.
        The matter stands thus: Gunnar Swanson in the year 1702 made his will and gave one third part of his real estate to the said church at Wicaco in trust to Peter Rambo and Matthias Keen and to their successors for the use of said church, At that time lands were of little value, which we imagine was the reason why this affair has passed over until a short time since. When we discovered this will, it was always reported that said Gunnar died intestate and that his brothers Christopher and Andrew were sharers of his estate and the church has never had any part notwithstanding it appears by the church record that the church bore a proportionate part of the burial expenses by said will ordered.
        Now, as we apprehend your grandfather was the Peter Rambo who was Church Warden at the time the said will was made and who survived the other Church Warden Matthias Keen, and you being the heir at law to your grandfather, it will be necessary for you to convey the right of trust to the present Church Wardens and Vestry of said Church, who are now a body corporate, for at the time Gunnar Swanson gave said estate to the church there was not a body corporate. Otherwise, we had no reason to trouble you.
        This conveyance is a matter of form, but very essential to our recovering the Church’s right and cannot affect you in the least to your disadvantage. Otherwise, we should not be so bold as to desire it. We should therefore be glad of your answer and hope for compliance when we shall take care to send you an instrument of writing for you to sign necessary to support our title, and if it is in your power to give us any further information we shall be much obliged to you.
        We who write this to you are Church Wardens for said Church and have no other view but in serving the Church and think it our duty to recover an estate that has been unjustly detained from her by Christopher Swanson and his heirs.
        We are informed that your brother-in-law Mr. Daniel Jones writes to you by this conveyance, from what he has informed us respecting an estate which did belong to your late brother Jacob Rambo, and the method taken (which we apprehend [was] not legal) to get that estate from your brother’s relations. If you could spare the time, it would not be amiss for you to come over to your native spot. We hope to hear from you as soon as possible and with respect are.
Your most worthy servants,
John Stille, William Jones

[1] Gloria Dei Church, loose papers, GDP-16.


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